Second MEICC paper published online (IEEE TRPMS)
Congrats to Ken Taguchi on the publication of his journal paper entitled, “Assessment of Multi-energy inter-pixel coincidence counters (MEICC) for charge sharing correction or compensation for photon counting detectors with boxcar signals.” The paper can be accessed from here and will be included in the special issue on photon counting CT.
The contribution of this paper is as follows. (1) We proposed the use of boxcar signals for high spatial resolution tasks and flat-field signals for low resolution tasks. (2) We studied the effect of cross-boundary charge sharing with NxN super-pixels using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and an analytical counting model. (3) Our study using boxcar signals showed that MEICC with 225-µm pixels performed comparably to the current PCD with 450-µm pixels in general. We will continue to develop and assess the MEICC design. Stay tuned.
The MC program used in this paper is the stochastic version of Photon Counting Toolkit (PcTK) developed in the previous MEICC study, which has been upgraded for this study by including (1) both boxcar signals and flat-field signals and (2) NxN super-pixel measurements.
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