PcTK (Med Phys) paper published online

PcTK (Med Phys) paper published online

Congrats to Ken Taguchi on the acceptance of his journal paper on PcTK version 3.2 entitled “Spatio-energetic cross-talk in photon counting detectors: Numerical detector model (PcTK) and workflow for CT image quality assessment.” The paper has been published in the Medical Physics online (link added, 3/15/2018).

This paper is the first to describe our Photon Counting Toolkit (PcTK) version 3.2 and CT workflow in great details that allows users to assess the image quality of photon counting CT. We hope that this paper will attract more CT researchers to our PcTK, and in turn, help them with their projects.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our collaborators in the Siemens Healthineers. There would not be PcTK if not for their challenges and help. And once again, we thank them for their generously getting on board with making PcTK available to academic researchers.

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